About Commonpoint Queens

Commonpoint Queens is a social services organization that meets the diverse and evolving needs in our borough—a place where people of all ages and backgrounds come together to find support, access opportunities, and build connections to community throughout their lives.

A group of people posing for a photo in a hallway.

Our Mission

Commonpoint Queens is dedicated to sustaining and enhancing the quality of individual, family and communal life throughout Queens, through services to people of all ages, ability levels, stages of life and backgrounds.

A group of people in blue hats are holding up their hats.

Our Community

You can come to Commonpoint Queens for early childhood programs, summer camp, senior services, mental health resources, support during crisis, wellness, and everything in between. Here, you will not only find programs that meet your individual needs, but you will be investing in a community that supports people across the entire borough. You make us who we are—and always will.

The Values We Stand By

These values are embedded into our daily work, and push us to be our best selves by helping others, doing good deeds and positively impacting our community.


חסד Chesed (Kindness)

We give ourselves – fully – with love and compassion to community members in need.


תיקון עולם Tikkun Olam (Repairing The World)

Where there’s a need, we’re on it. We are here to meet the evolving needs of our community so that we can transform lives and help people thrive.


צדקה Tzedakah (Social Justice)

We rely on the generosity of our staff, donors and participants to help us help others. We build relationships with people for their entire lives—young, middle aged, and senior, during times of crisis, stability, and growth. Your needs might change, but we are your constant.


שיתוף Shituf (Inclusivity)

We created Commonpoint Queens to expand our reach, to promote fairness in our neighborhoods, to meet the evolving needs of our borough, and to more effectively reinforce that we are a “commonpoint” for the diverse populations of Queens to come together.

A group of people posing for a photo in a conference room.

The People Behind it All

Commonpoint Queens is made up of a dedicated team of professionals who value serving our community – be a part of it!

Our Locations

Our support for the community extends across 81 sites throughout the greater Queens area, including our Sam Field Center and Central Queens location—the two anchors of our organization where many of our programs are based.